Mongabay | Awaiting Repair of Rooftop PV Rules

Fabby Tumiwa, Chairman of AESI said that rooftop solar power plants are one of the real contributions of the community to achieve this target, which can be done quickly throughout Indonesia, without using the government budget. Rooftop PV can also be a strategic solution for the government to provide quality, sustainable energy access and not burden the state budget. The government, he said, could replace electricity subsidies for households or other subsidy recipient groups with rooftop PV so that they can use enough electricity for productive activities and even don’t have to pay for electricity.

Mongabay | East Java’s Efforts to Realize Energy Transition to Renewable Sources

Fabby Tumiwa, Executive Director of the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) said that local renewable resources, specifically solar energy, are sufficient to meet domestic energy demand. The Best Policy Scenario (BPS) by IESR shows that the complete decarbonization of Indonesia’s energy system by 2050 is technically and economically feasible.

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