Media Coverage | Motor Vehicle Carbon Tax Increases State Revenue by IDR 92 Trillion
The Committee for the Elimination of Leaded Gasoline (KPBB) believes that implementing carbon excise on motorized vehicles could increase state income. Read more on
Kata Data | Vehicle Pollution Burden Potentially Increases by 40% by 2030
The vehicle pollution load is estimated to increase by around 30-40 percent by 2030 due to the increase in the number of vehicles and the amount of transportation activities. However, | 2024, Indonesia’s Energy Transition Slow, Transportation Sector Improves
The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) assesses that the development of the energy transition in Indonesia will still be slow throughout 2024. Read more on
Republika | Ministry of Industry Prepares Decarbonization Roadmap
The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) is collaborating with the World Resources Institute (WRI) Indonesia and the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) to prepare a roadmap for reducing carbon emissions
Kompas Tv | Peek at Norway’s Way of Building an Electric Vehicle Ecosystem, Indonesia Can Adopt It
Norway has successfully become a country that builds an electric vehicle ecosystem . Indonesia, which is currently enthusiastic about electric vehicles, can adopt the methods implemented by one of the
Media Indonesia | One of the Causes of Air Pollution in Indonesia Comes from the Transportation Sector
Executive Director of the Institute for Essential Services (IESR), Fabby Tumiwa, said that one of the causes of air pollution in Jabodetabek and also in many big cities in Indonesia
Tempo | Why the Government is Rushing to Build Nuclear Power Plants?
Several foreign nuclear companies met the National Energy Council to explore the construction of nuclear power plants. Read more on Tempo.
Mongabay | Year-End Notes: Can South Sumatra Use Clean Energy?
South Sumatra is one of the dirtiest energy-producing regions in Indonesia. There are about 16 power plants that use fossil energy, and every year hundreds of millions of tons of