Koran Jakarta | Solar PV Commercial Sector Users in Central Java Get Incentives

The technical potential of solar energy in Central Java reaches 193-670 GWp with the potential for solar around 285-959 TWh per year. This has become an attraction for the commercial and industrial sectors to install solar power plants. The government has also tried to accommodate the need for rooftop PV mini-grid installations with several strategies including a clause to reduce parallel capacity costs for industrial customers from 40 hours to 5 hours per month.

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Katadata | The Business Plan for Fulfilling Green Electricity 2021-2030 Is Not Enough to Pursue the Mixed Target

The addition of electricity capacity in the RUPTL for NRE only reaches 10.6 GW, of which 14 GW is required to achieve the 2025 carbon neutral target. The determination of the NRE portion of 51.6% seems still insufficient to achieve carbon neutrality and needs to be accompanied by steps from the electricity sector which uses NRE more than 23% and a significant reduction in the use of coal.

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