Calculating the Costs of Early Termination of Coal Power Plant and Other Decarbonization Measures

Jakarta, 11 October 2023 – Early termination of coal-fired power plant (CFPP) operation from the natural CFPP retirement year is a more cost-effective approach than extending the life of coal CFPP with the addition of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology. It was stated by Fadhil Ahmad Qamar, Program Staff for the Clean, Affordable, and Secure Energy (CASE) project for Southeast Asia (SEA), Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), at Indonesia Sustainable Energy Week (ISEW) 2023.

Fadhil mentioned that adding CCS technology to power plants tends to be expensive due to the high procurement costs and initial capital expenditure (Capex) and operating expenditure (Opex). Moreover, shutting down coal power plants can result in similar reductions in emissions as implementing CCS but at a lower cost.

“Appropriate carbon pricing must be applied alongside innovative financing to attach economic value to the advantages of reducing emissions through the early termination of coal power plant operations and utilization of CCS technology. This will prevent any burden on the state budget,” said Fadhil.

On the same occasion, Raditya Wiranegara, Senior Analyst, IESR, also emphasized again the social and economic impacts of the early termination of coal power plant operations are crucial, primarily when the local communities rely heavily on these operations for their economic activities. Therefore, policymakers must adopt an approach to formulating policies for the cessation of coal power plant operations based on reliable data on the plants’ generating assets and their external costs. These external costs include social costs associated with local pollution produced by coal power plants.

“It is crucial to include the plan for early termination of coal-fired power plants in the RPJPN. This will enable us to prepare a social safety network and estimate the required budget to minimize the impact of ending coal-fired power plant operations on the communities around the plant and producing areas. Additionally, we should consider taking anticipatory measures such as preparing to shift workers from coal-fired power plants to renewable energy-based power plants. All of these steps can be included in the RPJPN,” explained Raditya.

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