Telling Energy Stories Through Comedy

Jakarta, 16 November 2023 – Effective communication is important to change the paradigm and spread the energy transition narrative. Quite complex and cross-sectoral issues make energy transition communication challenging. For this reason, it is necessary to look for alternative forms of communication to pave the way for spreading the energy transition narrative.

The Clean, Affordable, and Secure Energy (CASE) for Southeast Asia program carries out standup comedy performances to promote the energy transition narrative in a less formal way wrapped in comedy. The event, entitled “Talking about Energy Using Comedy”, featured five stand-up comedians from various backgrounds.

During the program introduction session, CASE Project Manager, Agus Tampubolon explained that this initiative was inspired by science slams such as in Germany.

“The goal is for science to be dissected in language that is easy to understand and linked to everyday topics,” said Agus.

This is in line with the view of Rahmat Mardiana, Director of Electricity, Telecommunications and Information, Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, namely that special efforts are needed to encourage communication on energy transition issues in Indonesia.

“This (energy) transition is quite complex, in which we need to reduce dependence on fossil energy. It is complex because it is closely related to human and mineral resources as well as financial availability, so communicative activities are needed so that this understanding becomes more widespread,” said Rahmat.

Deputy for Facilities and Infrastructure, Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Ervan Maksum, added that the narrative of the energy transition and the urgency to maintain the global temperature no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius may already be an understanding for some people. However, for certain groups, real examples and language that are easier to comprehend are needed.

“The public and perhaps even local governments need more concrete relevant topics such as the duration and increasingly chaotic patterns of seasons to understand the climate crisis and energy transition. So this activity is very good because even though the comics may not be presenting energy transition material per se or not be funny when performing, at least during the preparation they (comics-ed) will definitely read or learn about energy transitions so that the learning process continues,” he said.

This event featured Byan Yukadar (1st Runner Up Porseni Stand-Up Comedy Bappenas), Muhammad Fadhil (2nd Runner Up Porseni Stand-Up Comedy Bappenas), Irvan S. Kartawiria, (Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Swiss German University (SGU) 2018 Period -2022), Hery Sutanto (Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Life Sciences, Swiss German University (SGU) and Pandji Pragiwaksono (CEO of COMIKA & Stand-up Comedian Indonesia).

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