Net Zero Emission Bali Festival: Encouraging Community Active Role to Realize Bali NZE 2045

Denpasar, August 24, 2024 – A year after the Declaration Towards Bali Net Zero Emissions (NZE) on August 4, 2023, Bali continues to move forward to make it happen. The Bali government, in collaboration with the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) and the Bali Net Zero Emissions Coalition, has finalized a roadmap for Nusa Penida to meet its energy needs with 100 percent renewable energy. 

To encourage public support for Bali NZE 2045 and realize a clean and sustainable Bali, the Bali Provincial Government through the Department of Manpower and Energy Mineral Resources and IESR held the “Bali Net Zero Emissions Festival” (24/08/2024) at Niti Mandala Renon East Square in Denpasar.  The festival summarized a variety of activities such as healthy running and walking, interactive discussions with experts in the field of environment and energy, exhibition of environmentally friendly products, as well as games and education on the importance of protecting the environment through reducing carbon emissions and promoting healthy lifestyles.

Head of the Bali Province Manpower and Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Office Ida Bagus Setiawan said, currently the Balinese people tend to view that the responsibility for achieving Bali Net Zero Emissions 2045 is entirely in the hands of the Bali Provincial Government. 

“For this reason, it is important to promote education about Net Zero Emissions accompanied by the cooperation of various sectors, including the Regency and City Governments in Bali. Achieving Bali NZE is a joint work and collaboration is important,” added Ida Bagus Setiawan.

Agus P Tampubolon, Project Manager of Clean, Affordable, and Secure Energy for South East Asia (CASE) Indonesia, IESR said, efforts to realize Bali NZE 2045 will provide a positive example for Indonesia, which consists of thousands of islands, to utilize the abundant renewable energy potential available. Nationally, the potential of renewable energy in Indonesia reaches 7,861.43 (GW). Meanwhile, Bali, based on IESR’s study, has a total renewable energy potential of 143 GW.

According to Agus, increased public awareness of nature preservation and the use of renewable energy will encourage personal emission reduction actions. If personal emission reduction actions are taken by all levels of Balinese society, then realizing Bali NZE 2045 is a necessity. In addition, public awareness and demand are expected to encourage the government and other parties to be more progressive in supporting Bali NZE 2045 efforts.

“The accumulation of tourists in Bali has formed a phenomenon of overtourism that brings various negative impacts on the local environment and culture. This not only burdens Bali’s infrastructure and environment, but also threatens the Balinese philosophy of local wisdom that emphasizes balance and harmony with nature, known as “Tri Hita Karana”. Through the Bali Net Zero Emission festival, people can be exposed to the vision of Bali NZE 2045 so that they can take their respective roles to support it. Steps to reduce emissions, for example by consuming local food, to utilizing environmentally friendly energy, such as solar energy through the installation of PLTS,” Agus explained.

About Institute for Essential Services Reform

The Institute for Essential Service Reform (IESR) is a think tank organization that actively promotes and fights for the fulfillment of Indonesia’s energy needs, by upholding the principles of justice in the use of natural resources and ecological sustainability. IESR engages in activities such as conducting analysis and research, advocating public policies, launching campaigns on specific topics, and collaborating with various organizations and institutions.

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