Auzora Kirana Fidari Pratopo

Energy Transformation Program Officer

Auzora Kirana Fidari Pratopo, who usually goes by Zora, is part of the IESR team working on the Energy Transformation program. As a Program Officer, she strategizes for energy transition projects, advocates for policies with the government, and helps raise public awareness about the importance of sustainable energy transitions.

Before pursuing a master’s degree in Sustainable Development at KU Leuven, Belgium, Zora completed her undergraduate studies in Oceanography at ITB. Her interest in energy transition grew stronger during a fieldwork experience in South Africa while studying for her master’s, where she saw firsthand the complexities of implementing energy transition in society beyond just the technical aspects. Zora has also been involved in energy transition projects, like developing energy efficiency measures through the installation of floating solar PV while working as a Technical Analyst at an infrastructure consultancy in Jakarta.

Outside of her career, Zora is the kind of person who enjoys spending time at home and isn’t too fond of noisy places. Her hobbies include tending to a small rooftop garden, reading books, and writing in her journal during her spare time. A lifelong reader, Zora’s taste in literature is quite diverse, ranging from light fiction like Lupus to scientific non-fiction like Cosmos. Ahmad Tohari is one of her many favorite authors.

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