5 Ways to Make You Become A Part of The Energy Transition Generation

If fossil fuels are no longer viable energy sources, how do we ensure the sustainability of power on earth?

These are 5 Ways to Make You Become  A Part of The Energy Transition Generation

Today, you might feel that it’s okay to use fossil energy. Why are we bother shifting to renewable energy? After all, our lives are seemingly safe and sound. If you feel hot and humid, by a single press of a button, you turn on the air conditioner. When it’s dark, you put the light on. Or, if you wake up late and need to go to campus, all you have to do is roll the throttle, then the motorbike drives straight to your destination. 

However, have we ever imagined when our current non-renewable energy fuels all the technologies to make our lives easier, is prohibited because it is increasingly expensive and worsens the earth’s climate? Moreover, its inherent impacts, such as increasing greenhouse gases, led to the climate crisis, which caused disasters for human life.  Extreme weather, new diseases, floods, drought, and famine will follow.

Know that the world is moving towards that stage. If there is no actual action from the government and ourselves, then that will be the picture of our future, Indonesia. So what can we do to anticipate it? Here are 5 (five) ways you can apply in your daily life.

1. Start familiarizing yourself with the energy transition issue and echo it for the government to set a rapid act in formulating an accurate strategy of renewable energy development!

Even though in the future, fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas) are no longer popular because the world is focusing on energy transition, it does not mean that your life will shift back to prehistoric times. Indonesia has great potential in energy that can displace the existence of fossil energy. This energy is known as renewable energy, such as water, wind, solar, and bioenergy.

Araújo (2014) defines energy transition as a process of transformation in the supply of energy based on fossil fuels towards a more efficient, low-carbon, and sustainable energy system with renewable energy. The energy transition is driving the achievement of global climate change mitigation goals in limiting global warming in scenario 1, 5-2°C by 2050.

Perversely, according to Agus Praditya Tampubolon, a researcher at the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) who is also the author of a study report entitled National Energy Plan (Rencana Umum Energy Nasional-RUEN): Existing Plan, Current Policies Implication and Energy Transition Scenario, in the National Energy General Plan (RUEN) ) which the government has compiled, the target for developing renewable energy is small, 23 percent in 2025, meaning that the rest of generation power still uses fossil energy. Until 2020, the target achievement is still only 15 percent. If compared to India, which has a target of 42 percent renewable energy by 2022, and it has already achieved 18 percent, Indonesia is far left behind. To catch up with another country’s progress, let us encourage policymakers and various parties to sit together to reformulate the RUEN to a more massive portion of renewable energy, including strategies to achieve it.

2. Make walking, cycling, getting on the train, bus, or other public transportation activities as modern lifestyle

Besides participating in reducing carbon use, this lifestyle is also a method to get used to before oil-fueled vehicles stop operating. How so? Of course, this is possible. Considering the Paris Agreement contained an agreement that in 2035-2040, there should no longer sell the conventional, fuel-based vehicles, instead switch to more environmentally-friendly electric transportation.

The background is economic development in line with the rising need for transportation. In Indonesia, 90 percent of vehicles in Indonesia use fuel oil, which contributes to an increase in greenhouse emissions that are harmful to human life. 

Julius Christian Adiatma, a researcher at IESR and author of the second series of five series of study reports on the Indonesian Energy Transition Roadmap, entitled A Transition Towards Low Carbon Transport in Indonesia: A Technological Perspective, emphasizes that if the government does not do something to overcome it, for instance by (again -again) preparing a holistic energy transition strategy, such as providing environmentally friendly patterns of transportation of goods and people, development of electric vehicles, biofuels, and other supporting regulations, there will be immense economic losses due to an inadequately planned distribution system. Could you imagine how many couriers will be exhausted from delivering your ordered items on foot, in the middle of a rain or in a heat of a sunny day? 

3. Think carefully about your future career. Green Jobs is the future Industry!

If you watch developments in the international world with the energy transition trend, one of the most affected fossil energy industries is coal mining.

Deon Arinaldo, a researcher at IESR who is also the author of the Energy Transition in Power Sector and the Implication to Coal Industry study report, explained that coal exporting countries from Indonesia such as China are considering limiting the use of coal because it produces air pollution, as well as to protect its domestic coal. Meanwhile, Indonesia is one of the biggest coal exporting countries. Indonesia’s coal reserves amount to 26.2 billion tonnes.

Imagine if the government did not see this trend and negligently prepared preventative measures before coal mining closed along with the emergence of various innovations and technologies in the field of renewable energy. Hundreds of thousands of people will lose their incomes. Don’t be one of them!

4. Start to consider building your future dream house using renewable energy and adapting to climate change

The IESR study in 2019 shows that a system that uses 43% renewable energy will reduce operating costs and investment (system) ten years lower than the fossil fuel-based systems stipulated in the 2018 Electricity Supply Business Plan (Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik-RUPTL). Indeed, all renewable energy consumers will experience it, both in the industrial and household sectors. 

You can also be part of this energy transition and climate change adaptation by paying attention to the construction of your dream home. So, start designing a disaster-safe house construction, for example, preparing a sufficient water storage area in case of a prolonged dry season. Build a strong roof to withstand heavy rain. Prepare a rubber boat if at any time your house is flooded. Most importantly, choose energy-efficient electronic equipment, such as a roof with the ability to reflect light, so you don’t have to turn on the lamp all day long, and install solar panels to meet electricity needs in the house. Lastly, well, living with your small future family will be fun too.

5. Eat more vegetable protein than meats

Indeed, agricultural and livestock practices do not require much energy compared to other sectors. However, this sector emits lots of greenhouse gases coming from livestock manure. FAO noted that livestock produces 14.5 percent of greenhouse gases, especially in cattle farming. Poore and Nemece calculated 50-grams of beef produced 17.7 kgs of carbon dioxide, chicken farms released 2.9 kgs of carbon dioxide for the production of 50-grams of chicken meat. 

You can start by reducing your beef/meat consumption and replace it with chicken, or, the better, switch to vegetable protein, such as from nuts.

Undeniably, we need the government to think about this as well when preparing a distinct strategy for dealing with the energy transition. Thus, it will shape the standard of environmentally friendly agriculture and livestock industry.

Want to deepen your knowledge about the energy transition? How is Indonesia’s preparation regarding the energy transition?

Join our third annual Indonesia Energy Transition Dialogue, Virtual Conference on December 7 – 11 2020. Submit your application now at ietd.info

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