Boosting Solar Energy Acceleration in 2021, Government of Central Java holds a Central Java Solar Day

The 23% target of the renewable energy mix in 2025 in the National Energy General Plan (RUEN) until the end of 2020 has only reached around 11.5%. For the next 5 (five) years, the government still has prominent homework to achieve this target. Based on the results of the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) study, one of the potentials that the government can optimize for the acceleration of renewable energy is by developing massive solar power plants. 

IESR has calculated the technical potential of residential solar energy in Indonesia. As a result, by using the highest scenario, Indonesia has a potential of 655 GWp (IESR, 2019), with Central Java being one of the top three provinces with the highest technical potential. The market potential study conducted with a survey in 7 cities in Central Java for 3  (three) different sectors also showed significant potential early adopters and early followers: 9.6% for the residential group, 9.8% for business/commercial, and 10.8. % for small and medium entrepreneurship. Central Java also has the potential for floating PV, which is quite large, from 42 dams scattered throughout the province.

With the significant potential of solar energy and Central Java’s commitment to developing renewable energy, the Provincial Government of Central Java, through the ESDM Office, in collaboration with IESR, declared the Central Java Solar Province initiative in 2019. The initiative was based on a memorandum of understanding between the Governor of Central Java and the IESR Executive Director, specifically aimed to accelerate the development of solar energy in Central Java and make Central Java the first “solar province” in Indonesia.

In one year since it was declared, according to the records issued by the IESR in the Indonesia Energy Transition Outlook (IETO) 2021, Central Java increased its solar energy capacity to 5.1 MWp with a total of 147 users, compared to only 155.2 kWp and 40 users in September 2019 The largest increase came from the industrial sector, as much as 73% (3.7 MWp) of the total increase in installed capacity. The largest recent contributor was the Danone-AQUA 2.91 MWp rooftop solar installation at the Klaten plant. The rest are scattered in various sectors, including in the ESDM office building, provincial APBD projects, and the housing sector.

One of the supporting factors for the increase in the capacity and number of solar rooftop users in both the private and public sectors is the issuance of a Central Java Governor’s Circular Letter to use the solar rooftop. 

However, to achieve the renewable energy mix target in the Regional Energy General Plan (RUED) of 21.32% in 2025; One of them is by a more aggressive penetration of solar energy, the Central Java ESDM Office sees that there are still many challenges to overcome; for example, uneven renewable energy literacy, low level of public awareness, limited availability of solar contractors/installers in the area, and long waiting period for bi-directional meter replacement.

To encourage more equitable and comprehensive information disclosure on solar energy, as well as bringing together various relevant stakeholders and accelerating Central Java’s steps to become a “solar province” in Indonesia, the Central Java Government and IESR will hold Central Java Solar Day 2021, on February 16, 2021, 08:30 – 12:00 WIB online via Zoom Conference + Youtube live stream (IESR / ESDM Central Java). This event will be attended by the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, Dadan Kusdiana, Director General of EBTKE, Feby Joko Priharto, General Manager of PLN UID Central Java and DIY, Fabby Tumiwa, Executive Director of IESR, and others.

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