Facilitates Individual Contributions to Reduce Emissions

press release

Jakarta, August 5, 2022 – The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) has officially launched a tool for calculating individuals’ emissions/carbon footprints called “”. This website-based carbon calculator application was developed by IESR to improve similar tools that IESR has had since 2012. This update on is expected to help individuals calculate the number of emissions from daily activities more comprehensively, as well as provide recommendations on how to reduce individual emissions.

Indonesia is included in the top 10 countries with the largest emissions in the world. IESR views that individual awareness of calculating their carbon emissions and adopting a low-emissions lifestyle will contribute to the achievement of emission reduction targets under the Paris Agreement. Based on the IPCC AR6 WG3 report, the global carbon budget (carbon emission quota) only has 300-500 Gton CO2e (>50% confidence level), meaning that with global annual carbon emissions reaching 59 Gton CO, only 5-9 years left before the increase the global average temperature of 1.5 degrees Celsius has been exceeded.

Fabby Tumiwa, Executive Director of IESR, said that apart from technological advances in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, there is also a need for systemic changes in human behavior.

The civil movement to reduce personal emissions is expected to encourage the government to increase its emission reduction targets. Because, if referring to the figures currently set, it is not enough to keep global warming at 1.5 degrees level.

Farah Vianda, Green Economy Program Officer IESR, said that several data updates on this carbon calculator have been made to provide a more detailed calculation of greenhouse gas emissions. She mentioned that the carbon calculator provides a calculation of emissions from 3 sectors i.e household, food and transportation. IESR still maintains the competitive features to encourage a stronger emission reduction spirit. The highest rating means that the emissions produced are getting smaller.

“Every human activity can produce greenhouse gas emissions. The contribution of each individual to reduce GHG emissions is needed to overcome the climate crisis. The more emissions produced, the more the earth’s surface temperature and the frequency of occurrence of natural disasters will increase. The IPCC estimates that global emissions must be halved by 2030, one of which is by making a massive energy transition. Based on these problems, we offer a carbon calculator to calculate emissions and find ways to reduce emissions individually,” said Farah.

Fatmah, a Lecturer in the School of Environmental Science at the University of Indonesia revealed that public awareness of the carbon footprint will trigger a change in attitudes to reduce emissions.

“Carbon footprint education needs to be given to the community. There are many behaviors that can be educated in the community. This application is very good and can be done in collaboration with academics to provide carbon footprint education not only to the younger generation but also to other generations,” she concluded, who was also present on the same occasion.

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