Introducing Rooftop PV and Its Related Aspects to Students of SMK Negeri 7 Semarang

Semarang, 6 June 2023 – The Energy and Mineral Resources Office of Central Java Province is holding technical training on the construction and installation of rooftop solar PV in order to increase human capital in the electricity sector, new and renewable energy, energy conservation, especially for PV installations. The rooftop PV training was attended by 30 representatives of the third grade students from the Electrical Engineering major, SMK Negeri 7 Semarang.

The Head of SMK Negeri 7 Semarang, Haris Wahyudi, warmly welcomed this initiative and believed that the training was the right skill for his students.

“This training is a contextual skill to equip our students, whether they are going to do internships or join the labor forces. This competence is very necessary and very appropriate, we are grateful and grateful for being given the opportunity and having this activity at SMK Negeri 7 Semarang,” he said.

Haris hoped that this training could be motivating and useful, so that in the future there would be high opportunities for rooftop PV – related jobs to be filled by one of his students with good skills and provisions.

This rooftop PV training activity is one of the efforts made by the Provincial Government of Central Java through the ESDM Office to increase the knowledge and skills of the younger generation, so that they are able to take part in facing the energy transition.

Boedyo Dharmawan, Plt. Head of the Energy and Mineral Resources Office of Central Java Province in his remarks said that Central Java has abundant potential for new and renewable energy (NRE), many NRE practices have been built and utilized by the people of Central Java. He hopes that the younger generations will be able to understand and be ready to face the changes in the energy transition that will continue to occur in the future.

“Thirty-five districts/cities in Central Java Province have a lot of PV energy potential, and in the future, we will gradually abandon fossil energy because its availability continues to decrease, this is inevitable, we need to be prepared and ready to face it,” he said.

“Hopefully with this PV rooftop training, youths can build and take good care of PV management. Because if we only continue to encourage and massive development of solar energy, but the maintenance and maintenance is lacking, in the future this can become an opportunity and job opportunities for younger siblings in the future,” he continued.

In addition, Dharmawan also hopes that NRE programs can be supported by all parties, including the educational communities in Central Java Province.

“We really hope that the Education and Culture Office will encourage renewable energy development programs, so that State Vocational High School students in Central Java are ready to face energy transition,” he added.

Rizqi M Prasetyo, regional program officer of, Sustainable Energy Access, Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) participated as one of the speakers in the rooftop PV technical training, with the theme “The Green Superheroes: Solar Team is Saving the Planet!”. The presentation of the material began with a quiz on future PV – related job opportunities, which was enthusiastically followed by the participants.

“The material presented is clear, the delivery method is more exciting, so we don’t get bored listening, it combined with quizzes via cell phones, so the material is easy to understand, because the delivery method is so good,” said Aditya Arya Permata, one of the students.

Rizqi also gave descriptions of current and future climate conditions and employment opportunities. It is hoped that the training participants will be literate and have a high awareness that the development of renewable energy, especially solar energy, can open new jobs that are environmentally friendly.

“We hope that the solar PV training at this school can encourage and motivate the younger generation to become a generation that is environmentally conscious and understands the importance of the energy transition, so that in the future they will be able to contribute, innovate, and lead the process of transforming into a low-carbon economy through solar energy,” said Rizqi.

Apart from IESR, training materials were also delivered by the Energy and Mineral Resources Office of Central Java Province and PPSDM EBTKE. This training takes place from 6 – 9 June 2023 with materials covering Rooftop PV Policy and Development in Central Java, PV Regulations and Safety Procedures, PV Systems and Components and ends with the practice of installing rooftop PV.

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