Indonesia’s Potential to meet the Paris Agreement targets: net-zero emissions before 2070

This webinar will be conducted in Indonesian language

In order to renew the NDC every 5 years which will be presented at COP-26 in November, Indonesia will submit the LTS-LCCR 2050 document to all world leaders. In addition, Indonesia has also stated that it will not change its NDC target and Indonesia’s statement that it will achieve net-zero emission by 2030, the LTS-LCCR document is not ambitious. Effort and urgency to overcome this climate change can increase Indonesia’s ambitious target of achieving net-zero emission before 2070.

Join us and get insights from the stakeholders’ perspective about Indonesia’s potential to meet the Paris Agreement targets and achieve net-zero emission by 2050 and quality low-carbon growth, and invite all relevant stakeholders to participate in taking concrete steps to address the problem of climate change.


1. Dr. Medrilzam, Director of Environment, National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas)
2. Ir. Agus Cahyono Adi, Head of Pusdatin, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM)
3. Ir. Emma Rachmawati, M.Sc, Director of Climate Change Mitigation, Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK)
4. Dr. Nani Hendiarti, M.Sc, Deputy for Coordination of Environment and Forestry Management, Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenko Marves)


Lisa Wijayani (Green Economy Program Manager, IESR)


Apr 27 2021


13:30 - 16:00

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