EU Climate Diplomacy Week: Green Recovery in Post COVID-19
In conjunction with the EU’s green recovery, Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) will share the benefits of boosting energy transition in Indonesia in providing green jobs for the recovery of the economy and climate. IESR has done study and advocacy in strengthening clean energy that will create more job opportunities in Indonesia. Agora
Energiewende, a think tank focusing on energy policy in Germany, is expected to share the European perspective on coal transition with a case study in Poland. At the moment, the majority of energy generation in Poland is from coal and the country needs a green stimulus to fully decarbonized so as to meet the green recovery target by the EU. Finally, Climate
Transparency, a global partnership of experts from research organizations and NGOs in the majority of G20 countries, is expected to share the countries’ strategies on how the countries strive to achieve a net-zero emission economy as part of the post-COVID-19 recoveries. Moreover, Climate Transparency can share the launch of Climate Transparency Report 2020 that will be held in November 2020 virtually.
A Virtual Roundtable Discussion by:
1. EU Delegation to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam
2. Fabby Tumiwa, Executive Director, IESR
3. Lidia Wojtal, Project Lead, Agora Energiewende
4. Catrina Laura Godinho, Project Coordinator, Climate Transparency
5. Lourdes Sanches, Senior Policy Advisor and Lead, Indonesia
Ridha Yasser, Deputy Director for Energy Program and Investments, Directorate of Energy, Office of Deputy Minister for Maritime Sovereignty and Energy, CMMIA.
Moderated by: Dr. Marlistya Citraningrum (Program Manager Sustainable Energy Access,