Indonesia Solar Summit (ISS) 2022
The Indonesia Solar Summit (ISS) 2022 is a series of multi-stakeholder events aimed at mobilizing Indonesia’s solar energy investment potential and accelerating the use of PV mini-grid to achieve the targets of the National Energy Policy (KEN) and the National Energy General Plan (RUEN). ISS 2022 reaches out and involves ministries and agencies, local governments, businesses, financial institutions, associations, solar energy developers, and the general public. This event was organized by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) together with the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR).
ISS 2022 is the culmination with a series of events consisting of 4 (four) tracks: sub-national government, finance, commercial and industry, and independent power producers (IPPs). This pre-event activity will identify the development, realization, potential, and commitment of PV mini-grid project development in 2022, as well as up to 2025 and 2030. The commitments targeted by ISS 2022 are cumulative capacity of up to 1 GW which can be built in 2022/2023, 10 GW until 2025 , and 30 GW until 2030 along with investment commitments in accordance with that capacity from financing institutions. This commitment will also open up opportunities for the development of the domestic solar industry, including the solar cell and module industry and the battery industry.