Akademi.transisienergi.id: Learning Forum on Energy Transition and Climate Change Issues

press release

Jakarta, June 23, 2023 – The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) launched the Energy Transition Academy platform, accessed via the academy.transisi energi.id website. The platform can be used as a forum for learning about energy transition and climate change issues. The birth of this platform cannot be separated from the development of the phrase energy transition, which is increasingly popular and frequently used in public spaces.

IESR highlighted the energy transition as shifting energy use from fossil-based to low-carbon and renewable energy sources, an inevitable process. The energy transition has become a global effort to reduce carbon emissions from fossil-intensive energy systems, one of the leading causes of an increase in the average global temperature reaching 1.1℃ in 2011-2020 compared to 1850-1900, according to the IPCC report.

However, IESR observes that the high outreach of the phrase energy transition is separate from the available literature, information, and learning platforms for the community. The availability of broad access to knowledge and information regarding the energy transition and the climate crisis can force the community to take actions that encourage more policies that accelerate the implementation of the energy transition and support the development of renewable energy in Indonesia. Based on an internal IESR survey, the difficulty in gathering this information is especially felt by groups such as journalists and academics who regularly have to write about the development of the energy transition and its follow-up issues.

Fabby Tumiwa, Executive Director of the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), stated that the energy transition academy could be a means for people to participate in the energy transition by adding insight and capacity.

“One of the reasons we developed an energy transition academy is because we want no one left behind in this process. That the Indonesian people from Sabang to Merauke can get the opportunity to build, fill, and actively participate in the transition process that is happening,” said Fabby.

Irwan Sarifudin, Coordinator of the Clean Energy Hub, emphasized that by presenting learning that can be accessed quickly, the Energy Transition Academy platform tries to be an answer to the limited energy transition information with a composition consisting of academy classes, forums, and data visualization.

“At the launch of phase one, the first three classes were released, namely Fundamentals of Energy Transition, Introduction to the Energy Transition Roadmap in Indonesia, and Rooftop PLTS Training. In the future, there will be classes covering aspects of technology, economy, transportation, and industry as well as specific target user classes such as journalism classes which will be released,” said Irwan.

Irwan mentioned that participants could choose a competency level, starting from beginner to intermediate to advanced classes, with the latest easy-to-learn learning videos. Facilities that participants will obtain include online handbooks and learning videos. Irwan added that participants would get a certificate if they completed their learning class. The learning method used is asynchronous learning, allowing academy participants to manage their study time independently to make classes more flexible and efficient.

In the development process, IESR cooperates with academics to prepare modules and review learning materials so that they are by the learning principles that apply in Indonesia. Before the Energy Transition Academy, IESR launched the transition energy.id platform, which is a center for information and data visualization on the energy transition in 2020. The transition energy platform has accessed around 32,104 visitors in the last year. ***

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