Investor | Solar Panels Key to the Renewable Energy Transition

Researcher Specialist in Energy & Electric Vehicle Technology, Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), Idoan Marciano, explained that solar power plants are indeed one of the most potential renewable energy sources to be utilized in Indonesia. First, because this renewable energy source has the largest technical potential in Indonesia and is highly scalable Read more at…

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Antara | Researcher: The application of the green building concept needs to be more widespread

Researcher Specialist in Energy Technology and Electric Vehicles, Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) Idoan Marciano stated that solar power plant is indeed one of the most potential renewable energy sources to be utilized in Indonesia. Communities need to understand that coal-fired power sources worsen air quality so that electricity sources must be immediately switched…

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Koran Jakarta | Government Don’t Be Passive in Energy Transition

The Executive Director of the Institute for Essential and Service Reform (IESR), Fabby Tumiwa, said that international support was primarily needed for the transfer of clean energy technology and investment in the production side of technology to accelerate the energy transition. In addition, for early retirement funding for Coal Power Plants  with the Energy Transition…

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CNBC Indonesia | Not Gas & Fuel, This is Indonesia’s ‘Treasure’ Can Replace Coal!

The Executive Director of the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) Fabby Tumiwa, with the constraints of coal supply, shows that Indonesia is still dependent on coal. However, it should be noted that Indonesia also has a treasure trove of energy, namely renewable energy-based energy, namely water and geothermal energy (geothermal) Read more at CNBC Indonesia

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IDX Channel | Coal Exports Banned, Analyst: There Is A Requirement To Deposit 25 Percent Of DMO But Not Supplying

The Executive Director of the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) research institute, Fabby Tumiwa, noted that the ineffectiveness of the domestic market obligation (DMO) of 25% of producers was the main reason. The lack of DMO supplied by coal companies causes the supply of coal for PLN and private power plants or Independent Power…

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Tribun News | Differences in Coal Prices Become a Problem, A number of Adaro Companies are Affected by Export Bans

The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) asked the government through the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to eliminate the price disparity by evaluating the DMO policy. The price disparity between PLN which takes coal at a price of 70 US dollars per metric ton is…

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