Antara | IESR: The government needs to prepare an energy transition ecosystem

The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) study in the Indonesia Energy Transition Outlook 2022 report assessed that the readiness of the ecosystem to switch to renewable energy is still very low. In fact, the decarbonization of the energy system in Indonesia requires the readiness of a supportive ecosystem. Using the Energy Transition Readiness Framework,…

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Kumparan | Jokowi and Sri Mulyani Criticized about Energy Transition: Don’t Consider It Expensive

In the Indonesia Energy Transition Outlook (IETO) 2022 report launched by IESR today, Tuesday (21/12), IESR assesses that decarbonization of the energy sector will cost around USD 20-25 billion per year. Meanwhile, the current investment value in the NRE sector is always below USD 2 billion and is still much lower than investment in fossil…

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Katadata | Do not want to burden the state budget, Jokowi’s energy transition commitment is considered giddy

The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) considers that the government is still unsure about making the energy transition. IESR Executive Director Fabby Tumiwa said the government has a policy direction regarding the energy transition, in which the President sets decarbonization in 2060 or earlier. The government has also decided that it will no longer…

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IDX Channel | Energy Transition Need IDR 3,500 Trillion? Observer: NRE is not as expensive as imagined

The Executive Director of the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) Fabby Tumiwa believes that this large budget is related to investors' perceptions of green energy generation in Indonesia. The perception of the risk of renewable energy investment in Indonesia is still high. Fabby continued, not all renewable energy requires large funds. Therefore, Fabby suggested…

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Katadata | Competing with China to Develop Rare Earth Metals, Indonesia Can Partner with the US

The Executive Director of the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) Fabby Tumiwa said that 80% of the world's rare earth deposits are controlled by China. To start the development of rare earth metals, Indonesia started by developing a strategy of mapping and utilization of rare earth metals through research and potential mapping support and…

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