Kompas | Indonesia still has a lot of homework to do in the energy transition

Some notes in the energy transition are preparing an integrated national energy plan, mitigating the impact of the energy transition on the fossil fuel industry, using low-carbon technology in the transportation industry, and considering the principle of equity during the transition period. According to Fabby, Executive Director of IESR, in this decade it is important…

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Katadata | Ministerial regulation on Rooftop-PV completed, Ministry of Energy and Community Resources says implementation is still problematic

Director General of New Renewable Energy Energy Conservation of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Dadan Kusdiana, said that all processes in the preparation of ministerial regulations were in accordance with procedures, but this ministerial regulation was related to the presidential regulation, namely the issuance of a permit to the president. The Ministry of…

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Tempo | Researcher: Solar Energy Becomes the New King of World Energy, Indonesia is Still Slow

Research coordinator from the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) Pamela Simamora said the use of new renewable energy (EBT) continues to increase and solar power is becoming the new king in the world's energy sector. The mix of renewable energy in the world is increasing while Indonesia is still growing slowly. When the world…

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Kontan | PLN targets electricity consumption to grow by 4.75% this year

The State Electricity Company or PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) is optimistic that growth in electricity consumption could be achieved this year despite a number of customer sectors still contracting due to the pandemic covid-19. Production (industrial) activity, which begins to fill up in line with normal economic and trade activities, is considered to be…

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Bisnis | Hydro Power Plants Can Be New Renewable Energy Options

New and Renewable Energy derived from hydropower plants is inexpensive and environmentally friendly. The pattern of operation is easy to adjust and is not intermittent, cheap, and economical. Executive Director of the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) Tumiwa Fabby said that the main obstacle in the micro-hydropower is the consumption of electricity need to…

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IDXChannel | The Potential of Solar Power is Great, Central Java Is Considered to Be the Leader of PLTS Development in Indonesia

Based on a study by the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), the technical potential of solar in Central Java is abundant, reaching 193–670 gigawatt peaks (GWp). Seeing the great potential of solar power in Central Java Province, making the area a leader in the development of potential solar power plants (PLTS) in Indonesia. Read more…

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Kompas | The call decarbonization Energy System Immediately IETD Through 2021

Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) and Indonesia Clean Energy Forum (ICEF) this year again held Indonesia Energy Transition Dialogue (IETD). The annual event will discuss the importance of focusing efforts on Indonesia's decarbonization of energy systems and immediate energy transition from fossil fuels to the use of 100 percent renewable energy by 2050. IETD…

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Warta Ekonomi | Global Fossil Fuel Reserves Average Above 50 Percent, Challenges in Using New Renewable Energy

The director of the Institute for Essential Service Reform, Fabby Tumiwa, revealed that at least fossil fuel reserves are currently above 50 percent on average. Current climate change is mostly caused by the burning of fossil fuels, which accounts for as much as 75 percent of carbon emissions in the atmosphere. Therefore, it is necessary…

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