Global energy transition will threaten Indonesia’s coal industry. It’s time to prepare for the coal transition

  Plummeting costs of renewable energy, increasing coal-related health risks, and raising concern about climate change will likely push coal out of the global energy sector. As the world’s largest steam coal exporter and one of the countries with massive coal-fired power plant expansion, Indonesia would likely hit hard by the global energy transition.  The main…

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Belajar dari Wind Farm di Feldheim, Jerman: Catatan Researcher IESR dalam program Fellowship Agora Energiewende

Kontributor: Deon Arinaldo, Energy Information Specialist; Researcher Sebagai bagian dari program Fellowship yang dikelola Agora Energiewende dan Renewables Academy Jerman. Energy Information Specialist kami beserta 11 delegasi lainnya berkunjung ke Wind Farm di Feldheim. Pembangkit Tenaga Angin dengan Kapasitas 123MW ini menyuplai sebagian besar produksi listrik ke jaringan setelah memenuhi kebutuhan listrik…

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