Musrembang Paser: Transitioning towards green economy development

Jakarta, April 1, 2021, the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR)  presented on the Transition towards Green Economic Development in Paser Regency, East Kalimantan in Musrenbang (Musyawarah Rencana Pembangunan Daerah), and Public Consultation of the RPJMD (the regional mid-plan development) 2021-2026 Paser Regency (1/4). This opportunity was a follow-up to the IESR meeting with Bappeda…

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Strengthening the Development of Electric Vehicle Ecosystem in Indonesia, IESR Compare with the United States, Norway, and China

Jakarta, 23 February 2021  Aligned with the Paris Agreement, Indonesia needs to prioritize reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the transportation sector to maintain the earth's temperature below 2oC. In Indonesia, the transportation sector consumes 45% of total final energy, of which 94% comes from vehicle fuels. Exhaust gas emissions are almost one-third of the…

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12 IESR Recommendations for Accelerating of Electric Vehicle Ecosystem Development in Indonesia

Tuesday, 23 February 2021-Indonesia needs to work harder to prevent the increase in the earth's temperature below 2℃ by reducing the addition of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the world, including by boosting the penetration of renewable energy and environmentally-friendly transportation. The transportation sector contributes about a quarter of total global GHG emissions. The amount…

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Supported by IESR, Central Java Provides Attractive Opportunities For The Community To Install Rooftop Solar PV

Semarang 16 Februari 2021 – The Central Java provincial government, through the MEMR (Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources) Office, in collaboration with the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), held a webinar on Central Java Solar Day 2021 (16/2). This event, presenting the Governor of Central Java, represented by the Acting Regional Secretary of…

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