Three Principles of Equity in Indonesia’s Energy Transformation

Marlistya Citraningrum, Manajer Program Akses Energi Berkelanjutan dalam Sustainability Media Academy pada Kamis (30/11).

Jakarta, November 30, 2023 – Indonesia, like many other countries, faces a critical turning point amid the global climate crisis. As a nation with abundant energy resources, the transition towards renewable energy is urgently necessary. However, this shift must prioritize fairness and equality for all. The energy transition must not solely focus on technical aspects but also consider the social, economic, and moral impacts on the affected communities. In Indonesia, this transition is not just a technical step, but also a moral obligation to ensure that every individual has equal rights in this change.

“We must examine three principles to achieve justice in the energy transition. The first principle is justice at the local level, where we need to take a closer look at which parties directly benefit from and are affected by the energy transition at the local level. For example, we need to assess whether the community around the mine is reaping any benefits from the energy transition,” said Marlistya Citraningrum,  Program Manager of Sustainable Energy Access, at the Sustainability Media Academy on Thursday (30/11).

Furthermore, Marlistya Citraningrum mentioned another principle from the authority perspective. This means that the community needs to see how the local government authority manages the transition. This includes the policies and regulations implemented to ensure fairness for all parties involved. Long-term justice must also be considered, which consists of the community’s participation in managing the future once the mining industry ends. During this time, the community’s welfare must be considered while ensuring the continuity of the economy.

During the energy transition process, it’s crucial to consider the availability of affordable, sustainable, and reliable energy. The instability in energy supply can hinder the achievement of sustainable development goals. Hence, it’s essential to establish a dependable energy system by investing in energy storage technologies, reliable distribution networks, and diversification of energy resources.

“To achieve a successful energy transition, it is crucial for the government, private sector, and communities to work together collaboratively. Education and community engagement programs can enhance people’s understanding of the significance of affordable, sustainable, and dependable energy. By enabling communities to participate in this transformation actively, positive outcomes can be experienced locally,” Marlistya said. 

Marlistya also emphasized that the government must involve more stakeholders, including indigenous peoples, women, youth, and other marginalized groups, in the planning and decision-making processes. This will ensure that all groups are treated equally and included in the opportunities created by the just transition. Social inclusion is also important to ensure that vulnerable groups have fair access to these opportunities.

“In addition to evidence-based policies, equitable energy principles should be applied through the GEDSI approach that emphasizes empathy and involvement in decision-making,” said Marlistya.

Solar Energy Can Be a Strategy to Achieve Renewable Energy Targets in Jambi

press release

Jambi, November 28, 2023 – Local governments play a significant role in promoting the use of renewable energy in their respective regions. This is crucial in achieving the national target for renewable energy mix. Jambi is one region that aims to achieve a renewable energy mix target of 24 percent by 2025 and 40 percent by 2050. The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), a leading think tank in Indonesia, underlines the importance of accelerating solar energy utilization in Jambi Province as a concrete step in achieving the regional renewable energy mix target and reducing greenhouse gas emissions contributing to the climate crisis.

Based on IESR’s study titled Beyond 443 GW: Indonesia’s Infinite Renewable Energy Potentials, Jambi has 281.5 GWp of solar energy potential. Meanwhile, based on the Regional Energy General Plan, Jambi has a solar potential of 8,847 MW. However, the installed capacity of solar power plants is only around 0.68 MW as of 2022.


Marlistya Citraningrum, Program Manager of Sustainable Energy Access, IESR, mentioned that solar energy is democratic energy available throughout Indonesia. In addition, solar energy technology is currently relatively easy to access, with increasingly affordable investment costs.

“We believe solar energy is a strategic solution to mitigate the climate crisis. Rooftop solar power plants offer several benefits, such as increasing the renewable energy mix and reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the cooperation of various parties. They provide a renewable source of electrical energy without the need to build large-scale power plants. This opens up business opportunities in the green jobs sector and encourages increased competitiveness of the solar industry in energy. We hope that Indonesia will not only become a market for the solar energy industry but also spark a green and circular economy,” Marlistya said at the Jambi Government Forum, Implementation of Solar Energy in Jambi Province held on Tuesday (28/11).

Marlistya invited all stakeholders to proactively participate in accelerating solar energy utilization in Jambi Province. She emphasized five things that can be done to spur the adoption of solar power at the regional level.  Firstly, clear rules, regulations, and policies should be implemented effectively. Secondly, there should be encouragement for rules, policies, and appeals. Thirdly, good practices in solar energy utilization should be shared and multiplied. Fourthly, access to information on renewable energy, particularly solar energy, should be improved. Lastly, incentives and facilitation, along with increased financing opportunities, should be provided to support the adoption of solar energy.

Nanang Kristanto, Sub-Coordinator of RUEN Implementation Monitoring, National Energy Council, explained that Indonesia is currently updating Government Regulation No. 79/2014, which pertains to the National Energy Policy (KEN). The purpose of this update is to ensure that energy policies are in line with climate change policies. It is predicted that by 2030, the energy sector will be the second largest contributor to emissions, following the forestry sector.

“The KEN Draft Government Regulation (RPP) has undergone updates, which include the consideration of achieving Net Zero Emission (NZE) by 2060. The primary energy mix in 2060 is planned to comprise 70-72% renewable energy and 28-30% non-renewable energy. The supporting policies for this goal are explained in detail in each article, which has increased the total number of articles in the KEN RPP,” said Nanang. 

Nanang highlighted five important roles of regions in the energy transition towards NZE in the KEN changes. First, all activities related to the transition must be centered in provincial and district/city areas. Secondly, derivative activities for energy transition must be implemented according to the authority of the regions. Thirdly, the parts should receive funding from the central government or the private sector to aid in the transition. Fourthly, the areas must have available human resources to support the transition’s new technologies. Finally, it is important to socialize with the community as energy users to implement the transition effectively.

Anjas Bandarso, Energy Policy Analyst from the Directorate General of Regional Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs, explained the strengthening of provincial authority in utilizing renewable energy in the regions through Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 11 of 2023 concerning Additional Concurrent Government Affairs in the Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Sector in the New Renewable Energy Sub-Sector. The regulation also optimizes coordination between the central government and regional governments.

“We provide new authority for provincial governments to manage biomass or biogas, both as energy and as a substitute fuel for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Then, the management of various renewable energies as well as the implementation, guidance, and supervision of energy conservation,” said Anjas. 

Anjas hopes that there will be mutual support between the central and regional governments, strong political commitment, and real concern at the regional level to encourage the achievement of renewable energy targets.