Tempo | IESR: Indonesia Needs to Learn from Denmark, Australia, and the USA in Energy Transition.

Program Manager for Sustainable Energy Access at the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), Marlistya Citraningrum, stated that Indonesia needs to learn from the experiences of several countries in energy transition. These countries include Denmark, Australia, and the United States, which already have islands with 100 percent renewable energy. Read more on Tempo.

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Kontan | Larger Integration Renewable Energy Capacities is Considered to Require System Reformation

The Indonesia Clean Energy Forum (ICEF) and the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) urge Indonesia to reform its electricity system capable of integrating renewable energy, especially solar and wind, known as Variable Renewable Energy (VRE), with larger capacities through the operation of a flexible electricity system, strengthening VRE forecasting capabilities, and revitalizing network infrastructure. Read…

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Kata Data | JETP Investment Postponed Due to Lack of Consideration for Captive Coal-Fired Power Plants.

The investment in the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) is postponed because the government needs to take into account the coal-fired power plants independently built by industries and located outside the PLN network system or captive power plants. The JETP investment plan, which was previously targeted for August, has been pushed back to the end…

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