Carefully Designing Indonesia’s Energy Policy Framework

Jakarta, March 28, 2024 – The National Energy Council (DEN) plans to adjust the renewable energy mix target. Currently in the draft Government Regulation on National Energy Policy (RPP KEN), DEN plans to reduce the national renewable energy mix target to 17-19 percent by 2025. Previously, the renewable energy mix target was 23 percent by 2025.

The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) considers this a step back from the Indonesian government’s commitment to overseeing the energy transition.

Raditya Wiranegara, IESR Research Manager, in a hearing with the National Energy Board expressed his concern behind the setting of the renewable energy mix target.

“IESR has previously conducted modeling that has been published in our annual report, Indonesia Energy Transition Outlook (IETO). Our modeling results show differences with the modeling results that form the basis for the formulation of the KEN RPP. This is especially evident in the final energy growth, where in the modeling for IETO we used Bappenas’ GDP growth assumption for Indonesia Emas 2045,” Radit said.

This was clarified by Retno Gumilang Dewi, ITB’s modeling team, who assisted DEN in the modeling, that the figures currently circulating are adjusted figures.

“The model we produced can be said to be an ideal model. The modeling was then brought for FGD (focused group discussion) and received various inputs, so it was adjusted,” said Retno Gumilang.

Fabby Tumiwa, Executive Director of IESR on the same occasion said that in preparing a country’s energy planning, it is important to ensure the choice of technology that is most relevant and tested with the latest technological developments.

“This step is important and crucial to avoid being locked-in by high-carbon technologies,” Fabby said.

Fabby added that if we are already trapped in the choice of high-carbon technology, it will require even greater investment to get out of the high-carbon technology. IESR also encourages the achievement of renewable energy targets that have been set in the RUPTL and national strategic projects as a driver of the growth of the domestic renewable energy industry.

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