Raden Raditya Yudha Wiranegara

Waiting for JETP Implementation in Indonesia

Pakistan, May 31, 2023 -  The energy transition is being discussed in many countries, including Pakistan. Some of the challenges faced by Pakistan in adopting renewable energy include inadequate electricity infrastructure and network integration. Similar to Pakistan, Indonesia also faces similar challenges. Still, the government's fast action is needed to reduce the use of fossil…

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Playing Snakes and Ladders While Counting our Carbon Footprint in Alun-Alun Eropa

Jakarta, 16 May 2023 - Jejakkarbonku together with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH or GIZ participated in Alun-Alun Eropa, an event organized by the European Union on 6 May 2023. The festival is part of the celebrations for Europe Day, which is the European Union's 'national day'. At the festival, Jejakkarbonku presented the experience…

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Preparing Human Capital for The Energy Transition

Jakarta, May 2023 - The world is moving to a low-carbon economy. Consequently, the energy supply for the economy also shifts from fossil fuel to renewable energy. Last year, for the first time, global investment in low-carbon energy technologies (including non-energy production technologies such as electrified transportation, electrified heat, and sustainable materials) surpassed USD 1…

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