Indonesia Needs to Ramp Up Renewable Energy Installations up to 10 times to achieve Net Zero Emissions

Jakarta, 22 March 2022 - Indonesia through its LTS-LCCR (Long Term Strategy Low Carbon Climate Resilience) document states that it will achieve carbon neutral status in 2060 or sooner. The capacity of fossil energy in Indonesia's energy system, especially electricity, is highlighted because with the aim of becoming carbon neutral, Indonesia must immediately retire most…

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Women’s Groups and Farmers’ Groups on the NRE Bill “Not New Renewable Energy but Clean Energy”

Jakarta, March 4, 2022- The House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) has submitted the Draft  Bill on New and Renewable Energy (RUU NRE) to the Legislation Agency (Baleg) for harmonization. However, the aspirations and needs of the community such as women's groups (and also communities in the 3T area-Frontier, Outermost, Disadvantaged)…

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ASEAN is Still Relying on Fossil Fuel yet Has the Opportunities to Transform its Energy System

Jakarta, 9 February 2022 - ASEAN is one of the most populated regions in which the economy is growing and energy demand grows rapidly. Economic growth emerged at time when there was a global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. To maintain economic development and energy demand growth, a cleaner energy system should be developed…

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Approved! The New Revised Solar Rooftop Regulation Targets the Development of 3.6 GW of Rooftop Solar by 2025

The issue of government policies of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 49/2018 in terms of rooftop solar in Indonesia since 2018 has proven to have increased the adoption of PV mini-grid roofs from initially only 609 cu 2021. In 2021, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) revised regulation No. 49/2018…

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The Government’s Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Target is Still Creating Range Anxiety

Electric vehicles have become increasingly popular recently. The Indonesian government itself has stated that the use of electric vehicles is one of Indonesia's energy transition strategies. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources announced a target of electric vehicle penetration of 2 million electric cars and 13 million electric motorcycles by 2030. The magnitude of…

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