Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources promises better policies to shift to greener energy system

Jakarta, 1 July 2021. To achieve the target of 23 % of the renewable energy mix, now reaching 11,2%, the Indonesian government is currently reviewing the regulation related to renewable energy, especially solar PV, promising that it will be the progressive policy for solar development in Indonesia. Mustaba Ari Suryoko, Head of Sub-directorate for Supervision of…

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Beyond 207 Gigawatts : Accelerating solar development in Indonesia

Seeing the need for an update for solar power technical potential in Indonesia, the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) with technical support from the Global Environmental Institute (GEI) conducted a nationwide geographic information system-based (GIS-based) solar photovoltaic (PV) technical potential assessment in the country. Technical potential estimates represent the achievable electricity generation potential (terawatt-hours), including…

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Coal as Stranded Assets: Potential Climate-related Transition Risk and Its Financial Impacts to Indonesia Banking Sector

An important issue to be discussed at the G20 Summit Based on the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), transition risk is one of the financial risks that can arise from the process of adjusting to a low-carbon economy, both from policy/legal, technology, market, and reputation risks. One of the financial impacts of these…

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Musrembang Paser: Transitioning towards green economy development

Jakarta, April 1, 2021, the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR)  presented on the Transition towards Green Economic Development in Paser Regency, East Kalimantan in Musrenbang (Musyawarah Rencana Pembangunan Daerah), and Public Consultation of the RPJMD (the regional mid-plan development) 2021-2026 Paser Regency (1/4). This opportunity was a follow-up to the IESR meeting with Bappeda…

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