Introducing a new IESR’s initiative providing information about solar PV and it’s development in Indonesia

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), solar photovoltaic (PV) would play an important role in global energy transition 1 . The rapid technology development and the increasing demand for solar PV have pulled the solar PV price much cheaper than in the past decades. The easy installation and construction made solar PV…

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Energy transition will have socio-economic impacts, therefore the transition should be well-managed by the government to achieve a just energy transition

IESR Study Report The energy transition from fossil energy is currently happening and is unavoidable. This phenomenon could expose countries that depend on fossil fuels to social and economic risks. Therefore it is crucial for the government of Indonesia to manage the transition to minimize the negative impacts while taking the opportunities from the positive…

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Diligent and participatory planning that takes into account technological developments will be key to transition the Indonesian transport sector

The transportation sector is the largest energy user in Indonesia and contributes significantly to the increase in GHG emissions. The high dependence on oil in the transportation sector has resulted in various problems such as growing oil imports, worsening air pollution, and increasing CO2 emissions. In line with economic growth, the demand for transportation will…

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Global energy transition will threaten Indonesia’s coal industry. It’s time to prepare for the coal transition

  Plummeting costs of renewable energy, increasing coal-related health risks, and raising concern about climate change will likely push coal out of the global energy sector. As the world’s largest steam coal exporter and one of the countries with massive coal-fired power plant expansion, Indonesia would likely hit hard by the global energy transition.  The main…

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Opportunities for climate-smart development in Indonesia

Original article was published on Climateworks blog Indonesia is among the top 10 greenhouse gas emitting countries globally, and is the largest economy within Southeast Asia, one of the fastest-growing regions in the world. As a rapidly developing country (the World Bank upgraded it to upper-middle-income status earlier this year) with the world’s fourth-largest population, Indonesia is a…

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Energi Terbarukan Sebagai Strategi Green Economic Recovery Pasca-COVID19

Akselerasi pembangunan energi terbarukan sebagai strategi green economic recovery pasca-COVID19 Pandemi virus corona menciptakan krisis global yang belum pernah terjadi pada generasi abad ini. Ketika tulisan ini dibuat, terdapat 3,308 juta orang yang terkena wabah ini, dengan kematian mencapai 234 ribu lebih di seluruh dunia. Hingga akhir Maret lalu terdapat lebih dari 100 negara…

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Energi untuk Memasak Selama #dirumahaja: Tetap Nyaman dengan Energi Bersih Terbarukan 

PT Pertamina baru - baru ini merilis catatan adanya peningkatan konsumsi LPG nonsubsidi rumah tangga di wilayah DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, dan Banten secara signifikan (MOR III) dengan adanya penerapan kebijakan dan imbauan physical distancing oleh pemerintah demi mencegah penyebaran dan penularan #Covid19 lebih luas. Aktivitas di rumah, termasuk memasak, meningkat karena anjuran tersebut. …

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Stimulus Akselerasi Energi Terbarukan untuk Pemulihan Ekonomi Pascapandemi #VirusCorona

Ditengah tekanan pandemi #COVID-19 ada kesempatan bagi pemerintah Indonesia untuk memprioritaskan strategi pembangunan rendah karbon, mendukung investasi energi terbarukan salah satunya. Apa yang bisa dilakukan: 1) Siapkan stimulus untuk mempercepat PLN mengganti PLTD dan PLTU di luar Jawa yang sudah berusia di atas 20 tahun dengan pembangkit energi terbarukan: surya, air, biomass, angin, dan panas bumi. Ada…

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