Farah Vianda

Looking at the Integration of Corporate Environmental Management Performance Assessment in Sustainable Taxonomy

Jakarta, April 25, 2024- Indonesia's sustainable development requires economic activities that consider environmental and social aspects. To support this, the Government of Indonesia, through the Financial Services Authority (OJK), transformed the Indonesian Green Taxonomy Edition 1.0 into the Taxonomy for Indonesian Sustainable Finance (TKBI) in February 2024. TKBI classifies economic activities that balance economic, environmental,…

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Direktur Eksekutif Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), Fabby Tumiwa

Facing the Escalation of the Iran-Israel Conflict: Challenges and Solutions for Indonesia’s Energy Stability

Jakarta, April 24, 2024 - The escalation of the conflict between Iran and Israel has created tensions that could destabilize the global economy, including in Indonesia. The significant issues of concern are likely supply disruptions and an increase in oil prices, particularly since the Strait of Hormuz in Iran is a crucial trade route for…

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GEN-B: Mangroves Showcase Determination to Reduce Personal Emissions

Jakarta, March 27, 2024- A procession of individuals in moss green attire filled the streets around Gambir, Central Jakarta. Their attire bore the insignia of Generasi Energi Bersih (GEN-B) or Clean Energy Generation, and some carried placards encouraging onlookers to curb their personal emissions. With youthful faces, approximately 350 individuals gathered to address emissions contributing…

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Investasi energi terbarukan

Reviewing Indonesia’s Renewable Energy Investment Needs

Jakarta, March 8th, 2024 - Indonesia's energy transition commitment officially began three years ago when the State Electricity Company (PLN) issued the 2021-2030 Electricity Supply Business Plan (RUPTL) which targets increasing renewable energy capacity as one of the prerequisites for achieving net zero Indonesia's emissions in 2060, specifically the electricity sector in 2050. During the…

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Fighting for Just Energy Transition in Indonesia, Colombia, and South Africa

Jakarta, February 29, 2024 - The aspect of justice in energy transition is closely tied to community involvement in the process, particularly in preparing communities in coal-producing areas. Civil society organizations, as entities that closely engage with both the community and the government, play a significant role in urging the government to adopt participatory policies…

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