Fabby Tumiwa di Kompas Bisnis dengan topik ‘PLN Kelebihan Listrik, Negara Jangan Sampai Rugi’ pada Rabu (11/10/2023)

Indonesia’s Electricity Challenges, How to Overcome Excess Electricity Supply?

Jakarta, 11 October 2023 - Indonesia, one of the world's largest developing countries, faces challenges in its electricity sector. The State Electricity Company (PLN), responsible for electricity supply, is now struggling with an oversupply. Several factors have contributed, including announcing the 35-gigawatt coal-fired power plant (CFPP) megaproject 2015. During the Kompas Bisnis program on Wednesday…

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Moving to Clean Energy to Tackle Air Pollution in Jabodetabek

Jakarta, October 6, 2023 - Air pollution has been a significant issue faced by the residents of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Banten (collectively known as Jabodetabek) for quite some time now. These unfavorable circumstances require urgent attention and action because environmental pollution in Jakarta can portray Indonesia's development as harming the environment. Program Manager…

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Direktur Eksekutif IESR, Fabby Tumiwa

Air Pollution: Economic Impacts and Steps Towards Clean Air

Jakarta, October 5, 2023 - Air pollution is a major environmental challenge society faces today. With increased industrial activity, population growth, and human mobility, air pollutants have drastically increased, causing severe impacts on human health and ecosystems. The Executive Director of the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), Fabby Tumiwa, emphasized that air pollution is…

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Workshop the Calculation of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission and Budget Tagging

To achieve the ambitious target of reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in accordance with the Paris Agreement, Indonesia released the Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) document which states the emission reduction target is 31.89% (with its own efforts) and 43.2% (with support internationally) in 2030. In more detail, the National Medium Term Development Plan Document…

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