Kolaborasi Multisektoral

Multi Stakeholders Partnerships in Emerging Technologies to Accelerate Energy Transition in Indonesia

Jakarta, March 6, 2023 - The Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy (CASE) Program of Indonesia alongside the Ministry of Planning and National Development/National Development Planning Agency (Kementerian PPN/Bappenas) launched a series of multi stakeholder discussions ahead of the Indonesian Sustainable Energy Week (ISEW) that will be hold on October 2023. The discussions were kicked off…

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Strengthen Indonesia’s Commitment to Climate Change

Jakarta, December 6, 2022 - Nowadays, climate change in the world affects increasing the intensity of climate disasters and threatens human life and biodiversity. Thus, government commitment and concrete targets are needed to reduce emissions, like setting a more ambitious target in the Enhanced Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) document, which Indonesia submitted in September 2022.…

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Sinergi Stakeholder dalam Upaya Peningkatan Elektrifikasi dan Konsumsi Listrik per Kapita di Indonesia

Observing the Efforts to Increase Electricity Consumption in Indonesia

Surabaya, November 25, 2022 - Electrical energy is one of the human needs that integrates into daily needs. Increasing access to electricity through 100 percent electricity ratio also needs to be coupled by providing energy sources that are more environmentally friendly. Akbar Bagaskara, Electricity System Researcher, Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), in a public discussion forum…

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The Potential Role of the Industry and Community Sectors in Accelerating a Just Energy Transition

Semarang, 10 November 2022 - The energy transition has become the focus of many parties lately. It's not only the government that has the responsibility to provide clean and affordable energy for the entire community, the industrial sector is also starting to switch to clean energy through various efforts. For companies, today's global product competitiveness…

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