Central Java Provincial Government Boosts Utilization of Rooftop PLTS in Local Government Environments

JAKARTA – Located in the Equator area with the sun shining almost all year round, the utilization of solar energy in Indonesia is not very encouraging. Having solar energy potential of up to 3 – 20 GW, Indonesia has only utilized about 400 MW of solar energy based on land suitability. At the same time, the Government of Indonesia is racing against time to increase its renewable energy mix to achieve the target of 23% renewable energy in the national energy mix by 2025.

Several steps to fulfill the renewable energy mix target of 23% by 2025 have been carried out, such as Regulation No. 26 of 2021 concerning Rooftop Solar Power Plants (PLTS) issued by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). This regulation emphasizes that rooftop solar power plants can be a strategy for increasing the national energy mix. Local governments have a strategic role in accelerating renewable energy by making strategic policies to develop renewable energy in their regions. As the first solar province in Indonesia, Central Java recorded a renewable energy mix of 13.38% in 2021. The Central Java provincial government also encourages the expansion of rooftop solar power plants (PLTS) within the local government as a commitment from the Central Java Solar Province initiative, cooperation between the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources Central Java and IESR.

In his remarks by the Director-General of Bina Bangda, Ministry of Home Affairs, Teguh Setyabudi, delivered by the Director of SUPD I, Ministry of Home Affairs, Edison Siagian, said regional development is part of national development. Specifically, regional energy transition policies are also the authority of local governments in setting standards and achievements targets. However, until now, the provincial government’s authority is still very limited, and the steps in developing renewable energy are also limited.

“The Central Java Provincial Government’s steps in continuing to develop programs and activities should be appreciated. Especially in the limited authority possessed by the provincial government, Central Java has involved elements of the regional secretary who have the function of coordinating, overseeing the implementation, and reducing the role of energy conservation across various OPDs to continue to innovate,” he said in the ‘Implementation of Rooftop Solar Power Plants in Local Government Environments’ on April 13, 2022, which was organized by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) in collaboration with the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR).

Various resource persons were also presented to see how local government learning can participate in the implementation of renewable energy. Ir. Tedjo Prabowo, a representative of the Bappeda of the Central Java Provincial Government, revealed that the provincial government’s commitment had been stated in the 2018 to 2050 Regional Regulation RUED with a target of a new renewable energy mix 2025 is expected to reach 21.32%. “The challenge in achieving the EBT target is still the same, namely easier access to fossil energy. And as stated by the Ministry of Home Affairs, the regional authority in the administration of government affairs in the energy and mineral resources sector is still limited. However, the commitment to realizing energy sovereignty will continue to be supported by all sectors, including the Environment, Private and Community Services,” he said.

Marlistya Citraningrum, Manager of Access to Sustainable Energy at IESR, also said that through the RUED, a circular letter from the governor of Central Java and a circular letter from the regional secretary was issued to implement independently in the Regent’s office or DPRD for the development of PLTS in the social and productive sectors for green economic recovery. “Although there are challenges in the limited government budget, innovation is needed using various financing schemes such as leasing, ESCO, and third party financing (installment schemes). In line with this, the priority of development in their respective regions and the understanding of policymakers within the local government regarding rooftop solar power plants must be improved, “said Citra.


The use of solar energy mentioned by Citra regarding its application to rooftop PV mini-grid was also mentioned by Hevearita Rahayu, Deputy Mayor of Semarang. He has also started the first step as a commitment to new and renewable energy in the city of Semarang. “In 2019, through Bappeda, the Semarang City Government has conducted a study on the potential for RE development and became Perda No. 6 of 2022, which later became the vision of the RPJMD for 2021-2026. In 2020 there will also be a grant process from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, at which time we will also construct a new parking building to place 75kWp Solar PV. The result is savings in electricity bills of up to nearly 60 percent. The submission of grants by MEMR will also continue in 2021 to implement the RPJMN 2021-2026 priority program instructions. In the 2022 RPJMD, Semarang is currently compiling a feasibility study for solar panels to be built at city halls, offices, and schools. The target for 2023-2026 will be to carry out physical development in stages in all Semarang government offices,” he said.


The Head of the Central Java ESDM Office, Sujarwanto, also gave his opinion on energy policy and a joint commitment. “There needs to be enthusiasm to reduce the rate of CO2 emissions or build without excess carbon emissions. Central Java has had a commitment to the Regional Action Plan for Greenhouse Gas Control since five years ago. Therefore, government institutions must be examples of low carbon development. Together with a stronger commitment to the global, Indonesia is committed to the energy sector. Many districts/cities have budgeted for this program. This year there will be a budget refocusing. It is hoped that the regional budget will prioritize solar energy this year because the control of Covid-19 has improved. The Department of Energy and Mineral Resources is ready to provide assistance starting from choosing technology, managing energy in the office, and a consultation room with IESR,” he said.

Support for the application of rooftop solar power plants must continue as well as information on policies and implementation in Central Java Province will always be echoed. So that if all parties can collaborate well, then the implementation of the energy transition, which is the national development mandate, will be able to be implemented and benefit the people of Central Java. Furthermore, Central Java has contributed significantly to achieving the national renewable energy target.

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