Collaboration of all parties is needed to ensure the implementation of the Glasgow Climate Pact in Indonesia

Jakarta, November 18, 2021 – The 26th World Leaders Summit on Climate Change, also known as COP-26, concluded on November 13th. The summit produced the Glasgow Climate Pact, which, in general, provides a foundation for countries to immediately implement the Paris Agreement. This is the first COP decision that explicitly states that the use of fossil energy, particularly coal, must be reduced.

On the other hand, this pact recognizes that the collective commitment of countries is insufficient to prevent global warming from exceeding 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. This complicates the task of ensuring the world comes out of the climate crisis.  Komunitas Peduli Krisis Iklim held a press conference to provide an overview of what homework needs to be done and to ensure that accountability for the Glasgow Climate Pact implementation can be carried out efficiently.

According to Fabby Tumiwa, Executive Director of the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), the COP26 commitments must be accompanied by concrete actions.

“So indeed what all countries have said, including Indonesia itself, is a commitment. Commitments and promises will not reduce greenhouse gas emissions; actions will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. So, following the COP, we’ll be watching to see how the actions are carried out.”

One urgent task for Indonesia is to transition from dirty energy to green energy. Coal remains the primary source of electrical energy. According to the Ministry of Energy, coal still accounts for 80% of all electrical energy. Indonesia is currently planning the early closure of some coal power plants.

Dewi Rizki, the Partnership’s Program Director for Strategic Sustainable Governance, agrees with Fabby. Dewi also stated that the government’s acceleration of climate action must be done transparently, in collaboration with the private sector and civil society.

“The government must also make opportunities for collaboration with non-party stakeholders available so that the planned (commitment) can be carried out.  The key is cross-sector collaboration,” Dewi explained.

She believes that collaboration and cooperation from all parties are critical because each party plays an equal role in meeting the agreed-upon climate change targets.

Furthermore, mentioning Indonesia’s role in the international arena related to climate action, Nadia Hadad, Executive Director of the Sustainable Madani Foundation, encouraged Indonesia to show its leadership in decarbonization efforts on all fronts.

“This is the time for us (Indonesia) to demonstrate, as a global leader, that Indonesia can be a country that leads in efforts to reduce emissions in all sectors. Policies must be consistent, and then we must be able to take concrete steps to achieve the climate ambitions that we have agreed on,” Nadia said. Nadia also emphasized the importance of strengthening the capacity of local governments and other non-party stakeholders to support comprehensive climate action.

Laetania Belai Djandam, a young environmental activist from the Dayak community, stated that Indonesia should be able to demonstrate a significant increase in ambition and climate action at the upcoming COP27.

“The public must continue to put pressure on the government and hold it accountable for every decision and action it takes,” Laetania said.

Komunitas Peduli Krisis Iklim is a civil society organization dedicated to overcoming the threat of climate change. This community seeks to persuade the government to develop policies that promote environmental sustainability and community access to environmental rights.

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