Communities Build Sustainability-Based Businesses

Cirebon, 26 January 2024 – On the fourth day, the West Java Energy Exploration team continued their journey to Cirebon. Precisely in South Kesunean, Kasepuhan Village, Lemahwungkuk District. There, the group moved towards the shoreline to plant mangroves. South Kesunean has one problem, namely the emerging soil phenomenon. This raised land appears due to the accumulation of rubbish on the shoreline which is compacted to form new land.

This habit of residents threatens a mangrove ecosystem which functions to resist sea abrasion. For approximately one year, a group of Kesunean residents took the initiative to form a Working Group (Pokja) to care for the mangrove area located in their area.

The West Java Energy Exploration group visited the Kesunean mangrove area to participate in planting mangroves as an effort to restore mangrove forests.

Pepep Nurhadi, Chair of RW 09 South Kesunean, as well as chair of the South Kesunean Mangrove Working Group (Pokja), said that the presence of mangroves in South Kesunean plays an important role in preventing flooding and abrasion as well as protecting coastal ecosystems.

“For this reason, we thank all parties who have supported us in this mangrove planting effort. “We hope that in the future our area can become an ecotourism area so that it can be more beneficial for local residents,” he said.


Karya Nugraha Jaya Cooperative Pioneers Sustainable Dairy Farm:

People and communities continue to look for ways to use renewable energy technology. In the landscape of micro businesses and cooperatives, community groups such as the Karya Nugraha Jaya Producers Cooperative strive to ensure that livestock operational processes can be clean and sustainable.

The Karya Nugraha Jaya Cooperative is a dairy farming cooperative located in Cipari Village, Cigugur District, Kuningan Regency, West Java, founded in 2004 and has around 4000 cows with a cooperative membership of 100 farmers. This cooperative is motivated to organize clean and sustainable livestock farming.

Iding Karnadi, Chairman of the Karya Nugraha Jaya Cooperative, said that the first thing that was initiated was the installation of a biogas reactor to process cow dung waste.

“Initially, dairy cow dung was an environmental problem, apart from being dirty, it also smelled bad. Finally, we collaborated with ITB to create this biogas installation,” he said.

The biogas installation was finally installed with a production capacity of 100 m3 of gas per day. The gas produced is used for electricity needs for water heating on farms. It doesn’t stop there, the Karya Nugraha Jaya Cooperative also installed hybrid solar panel installations on farms and feed factories amounting to 56 kWp.

“For the feed factory, we currently fully use electricity from PLTS amounting to 40 kWp, no longer using electricity from PLN,” said Iding.

Iding then continued that his party continues to look at other opportunities to make its livestock cooperatives more advanced and adopt more sustainable practices. Currently, the party is collaborating with ITB to treat livestock wastewater. In the future, the management of this cooperative hopes that the location of this cooperative will become an educational tourist attraction about Sustainable Dairy Farms.

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