Deasy Ramatia

Monitoring, Evaluating, and Learning (MEL) Coordinator

At IESR, Deasy Ramatia serves as the Monitoring, Evaluating, and Learning (MEL) Coordinator. Deasy’s responsibilities include designing practical tools and methodologies to collect data needed to measure project and/or program performance. She is also responsible for developing monitoring, evaluation, and learning frameworks and procedures at the corporate level. In addition, Deasy regularly monitors the effectiveness of program/project monitoring frameworks and indicators.

In 2022, Deasy started her career as MEL. Initially, she worked as a Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) Coordinator at NPMU FORCLIME-FC at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. After the project was completed, Deasy continued her career journey at Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari (LTKL) as Knowledge Management and Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (KM&MEL) Coordinator.)

On the other hand, Deasy has also published several books and journals since she was still studying at Bogor Agricultural University. In addition, as an effort to hone her skills in entrepreneurship, Deasy is building a small business called @Kopi_Kawu which has received halal certification with the number ID16110000615131022, as a form of development in her social field.

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