Delima Ramadhani

Climate Policy Coordinator

In IESR, Delima Ramadhani took charge as Climate Policy Coordinator. Her responsibilities include managing a team to quantify and evaluate climate change mitigation targets, policies, and action, as well as measuring it against the globally agreed-on Paris Agreement.

Previously, Delima worked as a research assistant for Indonesian-German Collaborative Research Centre 990: EFForTS to manage a landscape assessment project. She holds MSc in Forestry from Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.

Since her bachelor time, Delima has been involved in several environmental protection-related projects and campaigns. In 2021, She and her team won a grant in the Kreativitaet im Studium event held by Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, and thus be able to kick off a Climate Literacy project; targeting youths across Indonesia.

Delima believes in climate science and cares about the environment; Furthermore, she do her fair share by adopting a less-waste lifestyle since 2017.

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