Energy transition in a nutshell can be interpreted as “changes in the system of energy production and consumption over a certain period of time”

Why is the Transition to Clean Energy Important?
- Affordability of renewable energy
- Solar and wind technologies (and storage systems) are getting cheaper and more competitive
- The rise of small-scale power generation and decentralized generation
- Power generation does not always have to be on a large scale and centralized in load centers
- Digital disruption in the energy sector
- Advances in technological developments such as digitalization and the internet of things (IoT) have also penetrated its application to the energy sector
- Consumer power
- Globally, the demand for electricity usage/supply from clean energy is increasing from the consumer side
- The rise of hybrid and electric vehicles
- The growth of hybrid and electric vehicles worldwide in the last 5 years has increased drastically
- The threat of global warming and climate change
- Global consensus to limit global temperature rise to below 2 degree celcius (even up to 1.5 degree celcius) in the Paris Agreement
Transition To Clean Energy:
Indonesian Context
- Ensuring long-term energy security
- Meeting the target of the National Energy Policy (KEN)
- Meeting climate change targets: Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)
- Preventing PLN’s financial situation from deteriorating in the future
- Measuring and managing the GRDP reduction potential from fossil energy sources at the national and local levels
- Anticipating the potential for stranded assets