Explore South Sumatra Energy: Promoting Renewable Energy in the Land of Sriwijaya

Palembang, February 26, 2024 – South Sumatra, also nicknamed “Bumi Sriwijaya”, is one of the provinces that achieved a regional renewable energy mix target greater than the national target. In 2022, the renewable energy mix in South Sumatra reached 23.85 percent, higher than the national energy mix target of 23 percent by 2025. To encourage greater renewable energy utilization and promote renewable energy at the regional level, the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) through the Energy Transition Academy in collaboration with the Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Office of South Sumatra Province held Jelajah Energi South Sumatra on February 26 – March 2, 2024.

Based on data from the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources, South Sumatra Province, the potential for renewable energy in this area is around 21,032 MW, consisting of solar energy of 17,233 MWp, hydro of 448 MW, wind of 301 MW, bioenergy of 2,132 MW and geothermal of around 918 MW. However, currently only around 4.70% of this potential has been utilized, with an installed capacity of renewable energy of around 989.12 MW.

Secretary of the Energy and Mineral Resources Agency (ESDM) of South Sumatra Province, Ahmad Gufran said, to encourage the utilization of renewable energy, his party carried out several implementations of regional energy management strategies in South Sumatra. For example, conducting a study of renewable energy potential in South Sumatra. Then, the South Sumatra Provincial Government supports the acceleration of the battery-based electric motor vehicle program for road transportation with the issuance of South Sumatra Governor Regulation Number 26 of 2021 concerning the Use of Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicles, and encourages the private sector to participate in developing renewable energy both to meet company needs and for corporate social responsibility.

“In order to implement the energy transition, we will continue to contribute to the development of the renewable energy sector to obtain clean energy that is environmentally friendly. In the future, we hope that the utilization of clean energy can be more developed to all levels of society,” said Ahmad Gufan. 

Sub-National Coordinator, Sustainable Energy Access Program, IESR, Rizqi M Prasetyo mentioned that South Sumatra is known as an energy granary, particularly renewable energy such as solar energy. According to him, South Sumatra has the largest solar potential among other technical renewable energy potentials. However, its utilization is actually small, only 7.75 MWp in the 2012-2022 period. For this reason, IESR believes that South Sumatra can encourage the use of ground-mounted solar power and rooftop solar power by preparing supporting regulations and policies, conducting socialization about solar power in the community, and encouraging community participation to be involved in the adoption of rooftop solar power accompanied by attractive incentives. Rizqi views that the collaboration between the government, the private sector and the community is the determining factor for the success of the utilization of environmentally friendly energy.

“Based on the practice of utilizing renewable energy in South Sumatra from the private sector at the Solar Power Plant (Solar PV) in Tanjung Raja Village, Muara Enim, South Sumatra, it has been useful for irrigation of agricultural land for farmers in the village. The solar power plant has a capacity of about 16.5 Kilowatt peak (kWp), with about 525 farmers benefiting from the irrigation solar power plant and enabling harvests more than 3 times a year. The government needs to encourage initiatives from various sectors to gain benefits from the huge potential of renewable energy such as solar energy, so that more and more people can feel the impact both environmentally and economically,” said Rizqi.

Rizqi explained that IESR realizes that access to knowledge about renewable energy and its benefits tends to be limited. Meanwhile, proper understanding is needed to mobilize support for renewable energy development in the regions. Addressing the knowledge gap on renewable energy, IESR has provided an energy transition learning platform called the Energy Transition Academy that can be openly accessed by the public.

“IESR, through the academy.transisienergi.id platform, has provided various energy transition classes that are organized in an interesting and easy-to-understand manner. Not only learning about energy transition, IESR also has a special channel for everyone who wants to know about rooftop solar PV adoption by visiting solarhub.id,” Rizqi explained.

In Jelajah Energi South Sumatra, participants will be invited to see firsthand various renewable energy projects that are already running in various locations in the province, including PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang’s PLTS, Tanjung Raja Village Irrigation PLTS, and PT Green Lahat’s PLTMH. In addition, there were discussion forums and meetings with relevant stakeholders, to discuss strategic steps in accelerating the implementation of renewable energy in South Sumatra.


About Institute for Essential Services Reform

The Institute for Essential Service Reform (IESR) is a think tank organization that actively promotes and strives for the fulfillment of Indonesia’s energy needs, upholding the principles of justice in natural resource utilization and ecological sustainability. IESR engages in activities such as conducting analysis and research, advocating for public policies, launching campaigns on specific topics, and collaborating with diverse organizations and institutions.

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