Jakarta, 4 February 2025 – In an effort to encourage the energy transition towards Net-Zero Emission Indonesia in 2060 or sooner, the Coalition for Emission-Free Indonesia 2050 (KIBE 2050). KIBE 2050 is a forum for young people from various communities, NGOs, and community organizations that focus on sustainability and support the government in realizing Net Zero Emission 2060 or sooner with members from Generasi Energi Bersih, IESR, Climate Ranger Jakarta, the Indonesia Youth Coalition to Climate Actions (YOU-CAN), and the Society of Renewable Energy University of Indonesia (SRE UI). Encouraging Energy Transition
KIBE 2050 held a hearing with the National Energy Council (DEN) to discuss the Long-Term Development Plan (RPP) of the National Energy Policy (KEN). By involving various elements of society, including young people and environmental organizations, KIBE is committed to encouraging policies that are not only environmentally friendly but also inclusive and fair for all levels of society.
Ilham Maulana, Chairperson of Generasi Energi Bersih Indonesia, representing KIBE2050, to submit Policy Recommendations for Accelerating the Energy Transition in the National Energy Policy to the National Energy Board.
Riyan Nurrahman, a representative of KIBE, opened the presentation discussing the democratization of energy by emphasizing the importance of fair energy access for all levels of society and encouraging that renewable energy is not only accessible to the upper class, but the middle and lower classes can also take advantage of it. The presentation was continued by Ilham Maulana, who represented the issue of clean energy for the people, continuing by explaining that clean energy must be the right of every individual. “Recent tenders in energy procurement are still dominated by fossil energy,” said Ilham. He highlighted the importance of policies that support the development of renewable energy sources for the people.
Maya Lynn, who spoke on real action to reduce emissions, emphasized the need for concrete steps in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. “The KEN RPP does not include the target of early retirement of power plants,” said Maya. She proposed to revise the RPP KEN by adding the early retirement target for coal-fired power plants. The last presentation by Raliya Putri, who discussed Equitable Transition in Affected Sectors, highlighted the importance of ensuring that the energy transition needs to accommodate affected groups such as workers in the fossil energy sector. She proposed a compensation fund and retraining for affected dirty energy sector workers. Agus Puji Prasetyono, a DEN member from academia, gave a positive response to the presentation. “Energy does have to be green, in accordance with our NDC commitment, and we are targeting Net Zero Emission (NZE) by 2060. However, on the other hand, we also have to advance industry, take care of households, and make sure business and transportation keep running,” Mr. Agus explained. This statement shows that the energy transition is essential to driving economic growth.
KIBE2050 members, together with members of the National Energy Council, are committed to being able to contribute to the aspirations of young people and the general public in monitoring the course of the National Energy Policy (KEN), the National Energy General Plan (RUEN), and the Regional Energy General Plan (RUED).
Dina Nurul Fitria, a consumer member of DEN, asked critical questions about the implementation of green energy and clean energy. Ms. Dina said that we need to consider whether to implement green energy or clean energy, as these two things are different. She also emphasized the importance of energy efficiency and encouraged organizations such as KIBE and IESR, as well as young people, to socialize the importance of energy efficiency down to the household level.
Download Publications relevant to this activity :
Energy Transition Policy Recommendation in EBET Bill and National Energy Policy RPP