Understanding the Importance of the Energy Transition – A Review from a Community Perspective
Amidst the global challenges faced due to climate change, the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) took an important step
Amidst the global challenges faced due to climate change, the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) took an important step
This white paper is a collaboration between IESR, Telkomsel, and Periklindo that explores the evolution and future of the electric
Central Java has taken a step towards a cleaner energy future by encouraging the use of rooftop solar power plants
Explore South Sumatra Energy: Bumi Sriwijaya’s Footsteps to Energy Independence is a book that takes readers on an interesting journey
This inaugural Jelajah Energi was conducted in Central Java as part of our collaboration with the Central Java Provincial Government.
Communication Guide for Politicians This book was published by the Monash Climate Change Communication Research Hub (MCCCRH) Indonesia Node. The
This collaborative report between IESR and CASE is based on a media monitoring analysis of more than 11,000 news stories
The book of Mulai dari Sini: Memahami Transisi Energi di Indonesia (Start from Here: Understanding Energy Transition in Indonesia) is
The following is a collection of testimonials from Rooftop PV users in Central Java which is compiled in a booklet format by IESR and the Central Java Provincial Government. Testimonials were collected from users from various elements of society ranging from the general public, local governments, and companies in Central Java. Find information on what they have to say about PV mini-grid, motivation for adoption, financing, and procurement of rooftop PV in this report.
Presented in a journalistic style, this book tells the story of why Indonesia must transform towards renewable energy in accordance with the 2015 Paris Agreement which was also signed. Likewise, the efforts made by the government, the private sector to the community level in developing renewable energy, along with the challenges. Nothing is easy, but nothing is impossible. Utilization of renewable energy is a must.
Author: Marlistya Citraningrum Bersama dengan CAFOD, IIED, dan Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN), IESR telah menjalankan percontohan penerapan pendekatan Energy
The Ambition Call provides country recommendations for immediate climate action in response to the UN Secretary-General’s request for countries to: