Maharani Dyah Alfiana

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Analyst

As an energy efficiency and conservation analyst, Maharani Dyah Alfiana or can be called Alfi will support the implementation of energy transition programs by promoting efficient energy utilization and advancing energy conservation initiatives.

She holds a bachelor’s degree in civil and environmental engineering from Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia, where she developed a strong interest in sustainable building. In 2024, she earned her master’s degree in energy and environmental management from Europa Universität Flensburg, Germany, with a thesis focusing on energy efficiency in hospital buildings in Jakarta. During her master’s studies, she participated in an international research project in Scotland titled “Transition Pathway for Decarbonization and Self-Sufficiency on The Isle of Eigg.” Through this project, she gained valuable insights into heat energy demand and wave renewable energy.

Beyond her professional interests, Alfi enjoys playing and watching badminton tournaments. She is also passionate about singing and has competed in international choir competitions.

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