Mangroves for the Community

Cirebon, 26 January 2024 – South Kesunean is one of the coastal areas in the Kasepuhan Village area, Lemahwungkuk District, Cirebon City. Located on the coast, the South Kesunean area experiences threats in the form of abrasion or tidal flooding. Realizing this, people of Kesunean Selatan started planting mangroves to prevent this abrasion.

The need to maintain mangroves is not running smoothly considering that some of the local people have a habit of piling up rubbish and turning it into waste land. Emerging land is a phenomenon where residents deliberately collect rubbish, then pile it up on the coast until it becomes solid and forms new land to be used as a residential area.

Considering its location on the coast, a number of residents who are members of the RW 09 Kesunean Selatan mangrove Working Group (Pokja) have made various efforts, including educating local residents not to pile up rubbish and make land emerge again in the area around the mangrove forest. Even though public awareness is starting to awaken to no longer hoarding rubbish, there are still people who cut down mangrove trees for firewood, and step on small mangrove trees when going to sea.

Pepep Nurhadi, Chair of RW 09 South Kesunean and administrator of the Kesunean Mangrove Working Group, hopes that the South Kesunean mangrove forest can survive and even develop further.

“We hope that this mangrove can develop into a kind of ecotourism site so that the surrounding community can directly benefit socio-economically,” said Pepep.

For this reason, the South Kesunean Mangrove Working Group is open to collaboration and assistance from various parties. Since 2023, the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) through the Generasi Energi Bersih (GEB) community has carried out collaborative observations and assessments that can be carried out with the residents of South Kesunean.

After discussions with the local community, several things were identified, namely planting mangrove seedlings and caring for them, making a mangrove track (a kind of bridge) so that fishermen going to sea no longer step on mangrove seedlings, as well as increasing the capacity of local residents through training in ecoprint batik with dyes, mainly natural mangroves resourced.

To invite the involvement of more people, the Generasi Energi Bersih community is opening donations for the development of the South Kesunean mangrove area to become an ecotourism area via the following page.

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