Martha Jesica Solomasi Mendrofa

Research Coordinator for Social, Policy and Economic Group

Martha Jesica Solomasi Mendrofa is a Research Coordinator for Social, Policy and Economic Group at IESR. Martha focuses on the social and economic aspects of the just transition energy research. Her passion for inclusive and sustainable development translates to quality research and studies.

Martha got a Bachelor’s Degree in Urban and Regional Planning at Bandung Institute of Technology, and a Master’s Degree in Urban and Regional Planning with an academic program focused on Regional Development at Bandung Institute of Technology. Studying urban and regional planning, Martha learned about the comprehensive understanding of various planning and development aspects such as environment, infrastructure, social, economy, and institution. Martha especially studied regional development in her master’s school because she was motivated to learn about rural and marginal life development. During her study at university, Martha co-wrote a proceedings article titled “Building the resilience of rural creative entrepreneurship through leadership concept,” published in the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Before joining IESR, Martha worked as Research and Policy Intern at J-PAL Southeast Asia, where she joined Inclusive Financial Innovative Initiative (IFII) team and contributed to data analysis for inclusive digital finance research projects. Martha also once worked as an Academic & Research Assistant at SAPPK-ITB where she contributed to research projects about rural transformation, rural digitalization, and social & cultural aspects of regional spatial planning. 

To balance work and study time, Martha enjoys various types of art, ranging from appreciating art, listening to music, writing poems, making doodles and sketches, and sometimes watching theatre in her spare time.

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