IESR: Renewable Energy Portion in “Green” RUPTL Could Be Bigger
Jakarta, 14 October 2021– Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) appreciates the government’s
Jakarta, 14 October 2021– Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) appreciates the government’s
Semarang, 6 October 2021– With the technical potential of solar energy reaching 193–670 gigawatt peak (GWp), and the potential for
Jakarta, 11 October 2021– The energy crisis in Europe is a lesson for many countries, especially Indonesia to maintain their
Emissions are rising across the G20, again – warns a report Despite net zero commitments and updated NDCs, the G20’s
Semarang, October 06, 2021 – The Commercial and Industry sectors are potential partners to accelerate the penetration of renewable energy.
Jakarta, October 11, 2021 – In recent months, many media have reported on the energy crisis in Europe. In the
All citizens must make efforts to overcome climate change as an emergency issue. One of the big problems in Indonesia
The energy crisis that occurred in the UK can be a lesson for countries that have a dependence on fossil
The recent global energy crisis is nothing new. This happens because humans are very dependent on fossil fuels and as
State Electricity Company (PLN) requires an investment of around IDR 72.4 trillion per year for the construction of electricity infrastructure
The government through the Ministry of Finance has set a carbon tax of 30 rupiah per kilogram of carbon dioxide
The current energy crisis is closely related to the high cost of fossil energy. Its existence is still important and