Playing Snakes and Ladders While Counting our Carbon Footprint in Alun-Alun Eropa

Jakarta, 16 May 2023 – Jejakkarbonku together with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH or GIZ participated in Alun-Alun Eropa, an event organized by the European Union on 6 May 2023. The festival is part of the celebrations for Europe Day, which is the European Union’s ‘national day’.

At the festival, Jejakkarbonku presented the experience of calculating our carbon footprint by playing Snakes and Ladders. Many visitors are enthusiastic about trying out the game. Whether young or old, they are very excited and entertained when playing games together with the group.

In the Snakes and Ladders game, there are several challenges in the form of questions and education about carbon footprint. When playing the game participants are asked to roll the dice and walk down the block of Snakes and Ladders according to the number they get. Then if the game participants are in a block with a challenge, they are asked to answer it and get additional points. But there are also pitfalls, with blocks stating that the participant is not saving energy, the participant must go down to a lower block number. So that while playing the game, participants can also increase their knowledge regarding carbon footprint activities.

In addition, Jejakkarbonku also provides socialization to find out the carbon footprint of visitors through a carbon footprint calculator barcode scan. There were around 100 visitors who stopped by to interact with the team. Of the many visitors, some just found out that their activities contributed a lot of carbon.

They were enthusiastic enough to ask about their daily activities and the use of vehicles or household appliances that contribute to the carbon footprint. Apart from that, the visitors also looked enthusiastic just by playing household games in groups. is a platform-based carbon emission/footprint calculator. Communities can start routinely calculating their daily carbon footprint activities simply and easily through this platform. So hopefully in the future, people can measure their daily level of carbon reduction every day.

Translator: Regina Felicia Larasati

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