Energi Kita 1 - 2021_Page_01

Bulletin EnergiKita I/2021

The EnergiKita Bulletin is a regular publication published by the IESR and aims to provide information on the latest developments in the energy sector and an overview of energy policies including their relation to the latest issues in the social, economic, and environmental sectors.

The EnergiKita Bulletin edition I / 2021 entitled Ten Years Left for Sustainable Development. This edition of the bulletin reviews the Sustainable Development Goals / SDGs in the energy landscape. This includes the connection with the provision of renewable energy with other SDG targets which are the national agenda. Several articles in this issue also discuss how renewable energy helps in post-pandemic economic recovery. This edition of Energi Kita also discusses Permendesa PDTT No. 13/2020 regarding the priority of using village funds in 2021 to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, especially in the energy landscape.

You can download this newsletter and share it with colleagues, relatives, and anyone with an interest in energy issues. The Bulletin is written in Indonesian Language