Cover Laporan Coal's Endgame

Coal’s Endgame: Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) of Early Retirement Coal-Fired Power Plant (CFPP) versus CFPP with Carbon Capture and Storage

This study investigates how Indonesia can achieve its ambitious decarbonization goals for the power sector. The study analyzes the economics of two decarbonization strategies for Coal Fired Power Plant (CFPP): early retirement by 10 years and replacing it with solar power, compared to retrofitting the CFPP with carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology. The report recommends a multi-pronged approach: strategically retiring coal plants while least-prioritizing the use of CCS on CFPPs, creating a clear national plan for coal phase-out, and implementing carbon pricing to incentivize renewables.

Decarbonization of the energy sector, Indonesia, coal-fired power plant, early operational termination, solar energy, carbon capture and storage (CCS), coal-phase out, carbon tax, renewable energy