Enabling High Share-1

Enabling High Share of Renewable Energy in Indonesia’s Power System by 2030 Alternative electricity development plan compatible with 1.5°C Paris Agreement

This study aims to provide a methodology and projections of a higher renewable energy penetration to Indonesia’s power system. Renewable energy sources used as candidate power plants in this study were solar, wind, and biomass while for the geothermal and hydro power plants only consider the development of the ones that are already in the current RUPTL pipeline. Gas-fired power plants and batteries were also used as comparisons to study the variability of the three aforementioned sources, or so called Variable Renewable Energies (VREs), since their productions are subject to the weather conditions. The projected load and demand growth was based on IESR’s previous study Deep Decarbonisation of Indonesia’s Energy System with BPS, where Indonesia is projected to have a high level of direct and indirect electrification of more than 80% in all sectors by 2050. Thus, the load demand projection used in this study foresaw an electricity growth that is 7% higher than that in the RUPTL.