Buku Jejak Energi Terbarukan Indonesia_Page_001

Indonesia’s Renewable Energy Trails and Steps

Indonesia is known as the “Middle East” of renewable energy sources. There are all kinds and varieties, such as solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, bioenergy, to ocean currents. Based on government calculations, all of these resources have a capacity of at least 410,000 MW. Unfortunately, until 2020, only 10,400 MW has been utilized or around 2.5 percent.

So, why the deployment of renewable energy in Indonesia so low? What caused it? Is it impossible for Indonesia to transition from dependence on fossil energy to renewable energy that is cleaner and more sustainable?

Presented in a journalistic style, this book tells the story of why Indonesia must transform towards renewable energy in accordance with the 2015 Paris Agreement which was also signed. Likewise, the efforts made by the government, the private sector to the community level in developing renewable energy, along with the challenges. Nothing is easy, but nothing is impossible. Utilization of renewable energy is a must.

Authors: Aris Prasetyo, Ichwan Susanto, Kris Mada – IESR in collaboration with Kompas Group