Making Energy Transition Succeed: A 2023’s Update on The Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) and Levelized Cost of Storage (LCOS)

IESR first published the LCOE report and tool in 2019. This year we updated our tool with more technologies and the new economics of energy technology. IESR’s 2023 Update of LCOE and LCOS shows that renewables have become more competitive than fossil fuels. Nevertheless, renewable energy adoption in Indonesia remains low due to the government’s own policy of maintaining massive subsidies for fossil fuels. As Indonesia plans to achieve net-zero emissions by 2060 or sooner, and the power sector’s emissions peak in 2030, energy subsidy and pricing reform should be prioritized. With that, the utility should move faster to deploy renewables and retire coal plants sooner.

LCOE, LCOS, renewable energy, fossil, energy subsidies, price reform, net-zero, IESR, Indonesia, solar, coal