Putra Maswan

Finance and Economics Analyst

Putra joined Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) as a Finance and Economics Analyst. The research focus is on the financial and economic aspects of developing and implementing a just and inclusive renewable energy transition in Indonesia.

Putra holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics with a major in Accounting from Syiah Kuala University. His research focus was on Financial topics, Good Corporate Governance (GCG), and sustainability practices in public companies in Indonesia. After graduating, Putra began his career as a Research Assistant at Syiah Kuala University and was involved in various research programs focusing on economic, development, and sustainability issues. One of these programs involved collaboration with the Aceh Regional Government on research concerning the allocation of education funds and human resource development in Aceh. Another research program was centered on Food Security and Regional Economic Development.

Due to this experience, his interest in development and sustainability issues grew, leading Putra to pursue his master’s studies at The University of Leeds, UK, in the field of Global Development, with a research focus on Sustainable Development and Global Political Economy. In his dissertation, Putra examined government policies on food and their impact on Indonesia’s food sovereignty from political and economic perspectives.

Outside of his professional life, Putra enjoys spending his leisure time on hobbies such as watching movies, reading books, and exploring new places.

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